D3 High School Youth Summer Camp

June 17-20 // Boyce College // Louisville, KY

D3 Youth Camp is a four-day discipleship conference hosted by Boyce College, crafted for Christian high school students to develop and mature their faith. D3 stands for three distinctives: teaching, worship, and discipleship.

In addition to 7 main sessions from faithful and experienced speakers, students select one of three discipleship areas for more concentrated study over the course of the week. Discipleship through the study of God’s word is at the core of D3, and these truths are reinforced and lived out through trusted teaching, dynamic worship, and key small group moments.

Registration is closed.

D3 is more than a youth camp. Our goal at D3 is the growth and discipleship of the local church. We seek to foster healthy relationships between youth leaders and students that will continue long after groups depart from camp.

Cost is $365 per student. This covers registration costs, lodging, travel, and all meals. You can pay via credit card, check, or cash. Please make checks out to Faith Church and write D3 Youth Camp 2024 in the memo line. Scholarships are available. Please reach out to Pastor Ryan Troglin (rtroglin@faithchurch.net) if we can help with the cost in any way.

You can find more information about D3, including speakers and a full schedule of events HERE

Please fill out the Health Waiver below before registration.